Game Info
All games on Rune have game title, description and preview image.
Game Title and Description
Keep your game title and description short and fun.
Game descriptions are auto-translated into the most widely used languages on Rune. If translation is not accurate, then please DM us on Discord and we will manually override it.
Game Preview Image
Having game preview image help players get a feel for what the game will look like before they play it. Here's the design guidelines:
- PNG format
- 686x960 resolution
- No transparency
- No rounded edges
- No text
The bottom 240 pixels of the game preview image is where the text and dev info will be shown. The focal point of the game preview images should be above this area.

Update Game Info
If you ever want to update your game title, description or preview image, then just run npx rune@latest update-info
Wanna Skip Making Game Preview Image?
You do not need a game preview to upload an initial version for playtesting. It's only needed before releasing the game to the Rune community. We can also make a game preview for your game if you'd like, just ask us on Discord!